If you are suffering from a degenerative bone disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, or osteoarthritis, then you may be taking prescription pain medication. While effective in managing chronic pain, prescription analgesics can cause significant side effects. If you are seeking alternatives to prescription pain medication for your degenerative bone disorder, consider chiropractic adjustment therapy. Here are some ways a chiropractic adjustment therapy professional can help relieve your pain without the risk of drug side-effects.
Strengthens Surrounding Structures
Degenerative bone diseases have the potential to cause pain and inflammation of your spinal column as well as the structures surrounding your spine. Chiropractic adjustment therapy can help realign your spine, which will help relieve pain and inflammation so that the swollen areas do not impinge on the surrounding structures, such as the muscles and tendons in your back.
An adjustment will also help strengthen the muscles and tendons that surround your spine, which will improve your ability to bend and twist. A misaligned spine is not uncommon in people with degenerative bone disorders, and while anti-inflammatory medications can help reduce pain and swelling, they may not be appropriate for long-term use because of their potential side effects. Chiropractic adjustment therapy can be performed on a regular basis, and for many people, a single treatment relieves pain and inflammation permanently.
Improves Gait
If you have a degenerative bone disorder, your spine may be misaligned. This can cause you to favor one side or another when you walk, leading to an unsteady gait. If a misalignment is not corrected through chiropractic care or otherwise, your gait may be permanently affected. A chiropractic adjustment may also help enhance blood flow and circulation to the damaged areas in your back. While existing bone damage from degenerative arthritic conditions cannot be reversed, a chiropractic adjustment may help reduce your risk for future bone damage.
It is important to note that while alternative therapies such as spinal adjustments and therapeutic massage can help relieve the symptoms of degenerative bone disorders, they should never be performed by those without extensive experience and education in anatomy and physiology, such as a chiropractic physician.
If you have a degenerative bone disorder, make an appointment with your chiropractor to learn how chiropractic adjustments can help manage your condition. Alternative treatments will help you achieve long-term relief from your pain and inflammation without worrying about the adverse reactions that can accompany prescription pain medications.