Migraine headache sufferers often find themselves completely incapacitated by the ferocious, pounding pain, discomfort, and nausea that accompanies these occurrences. Most experience vision disturbances and sensitivities to light and sound that compound the other symptoms and leave migraine sufferers unable to handle the demands of daily life for several hours during each occurrence.

Left untreated, migraine headaches can impact your work or school performance and your family relationships. If you are seeking relief from frequent migraine headaches, one or more of the following remedies may be helpful for your situation. 

Reduce brain stimulation

At the first sign of a migraine, it is important to find ways to reduce the amount of stimulation your brain receives. A good way to do this is to: 

  • immediately lie down in darkened, quiet space
  • use ear plugs or cotton balls to deaden external sounds 
  • place a cold cloth on your forehead and the back of your neck to cool your body temperature

Taking these actions can reduce tension, allow pain-tightened muscles to relax, and reduce heart rate to lessen cranial pressure and help relieve the pain more quickly. 

Supplement with magnesium 

People who are deficient in magnesium are more likely to experience nerve transmission issues and unstable blood sugar levels, both of which can be a contributing factor in the recurrence of migraines. Choosing to supplement with an oral dose of magnesium citrate has been shown in some studies to help lessen the number and severity of migraines experienced. 

Those who believe they may be deficient in magnesium but have not yet chosen to use supplements may find some relief by applying magnesium topically to the forehead during a migraine headache event. An easy way to do this is to apply a thin layer of magnesium hydroxide, the main ingredient in a common OTC liquid laxative product found in most home medicine cabinets or to dissolve a quarter-cup of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) in a cup of cold water. Soak a soft cloth in the solution and use it to gently wipe your face and forearms. 

Consider chiropractic adjustment 

Chiropractic adjustment is another excellent option to help migraine sufferers prevent migraine headaches or lessen the severity of the attacks. During this type of chiropractic treatment, the bones of the spine and neck are carefully adjusted to return them to their proper location and eliminate stress that can transfer to muscles, nerves, and ligaments and potentially result in a migraine.

To determine if chiropractic adjustment is a good option for your migraine pain, make an appointment with a reputable chiropractor in your area to discuss your condition and help you decide on the best treatment plan for your situation. 
